Dear Family!
So before I start this letter.... I just want to say that I love America, and am so happy to see all the many pictures of Red White and Blue this week in my email box. But I Love Mongolia so much too, and I would rather be here than there right now in my life. Minii tsag arai boloogvi shvv!
So this week was pretty hot here in good old Ulaanbaatar. My group Sisters left for home along with Elder Papenfuss and Ericcson....two great friends. Saying goodbye was good and they will be great on the "other side!" Well this transfer Elder Munkhbold and I will be together again, and we are staying in Sansar! LETS GO! I was pumped to see that transfer call sheet and see that we are still together. We are so great together, and we just get work done! There are less and less Missionaries here. Pray for our Mission! Our number is in the 50s. Only a few years ago, we were in the 200+ range. We need missionaries now, and we need the ones who are here to go all in for the time being. Please pray for Mongolia.
We should have a baptism here in a few weeks. She is the best friend of the girl we baptized last week. She is progressing great. I love investigators that don't believe in God, or have never even thought about religion before. Introducing the Restored Gospel to them, then to just see their brain start going, the Spirit start working, and the desire to know more and more just makes me feel so accomplished. I love this work, and the people we are working with right now.
Last week I went on a split to Nalaikh with Elder Palmer. On the way there, Elder Shotton and I, the elder who went with me, a 6 foot 3, bean pole from Berkley, were harassed and almost jumped for an 1.5 hour bus ride by a Mongolian Army Soldier and his friend. I have never really been scared before on my mission, but this time I felt in danger. I gained a re-confirmation that the Lord protects his Elders. He loves us, and knows us. We prayed, a lot. We ended up singing them a Mongolian song about Mothers to buy some time. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. He lives. He is real. He knows us and loves us. He wants to hear from us, and in that time of desperate need, He does answer our prayers.
I love you all!
Elder Harris
So before I start this letter.... I just want to say that I love America, and am so happy to see all the many pictures of Red White and Blue this week in my email box. But I Love Mongolia so much too, and I would rather be here than there right now in my life. Minii tsag arai boloogvi shvv!
So this week was pretty hot here in good old Ulaanbaatar. My group Sisters left for home along with Elder Papenfuss and Ericcson....two great friends. Saying goodbye was good and they will be great on the "other side!" Well this transfer Elder Munkhbold and I will be together again, and we are staying in Sansar! LETS GO! I was pumped to see that transfer call sheet and see that we are still together. We are so great together, and we just get work done! There are less and less Missionaries here. Pray for our Mission! Our number is in the 50s. Only a few years ago, we were in the 200+ range. We need missionaries now, and we need the ones who are here to go all in for the time being. Please pray for Mongolia.
We should have a baptism here in a few weeks. She is the best friend of the girl we baptized last week. She is progressing great. I love investigators that don't believe in God, or have never even thought about religion before. Introducing the Restored Gospel to them, then to just see their brain start going, the Spirit start working, and the desire to know more and more just makes me feel so accomplished. I love this work, and the people we are working with right now.
Last week I went on a split to Nalaikh with Elder Palmer. On the way there, Elder Shotton and I, the elder who went with me, a 6 foot 3, bean pole from Berkley, were harassed and almost jumped for an 1.5 hour bus ride by a Mongolian Army Soldier and his friend. I have never really been scared before on my mission, but this time I felt in danger. I gained a re-confirmation that the Lord protects his Elders. He loves us, and knows us. We prayed, a lot. We ended up singing them a Mongolian song about Mothers to buy some time. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. He lives. He is real. He knows us and loves us. He wants to hear from us, and in that time of desperate need, He does answer our prayers.
I love you all!
Elder Harris
My 4th of July Entry pic!
In Nalaikh.
Elder Palmer and I in Nalaikh. Elder Palmer is from Henderson too. Went to Coronado HS.
Thank you Elder Harris - I always learn more from him than that silly Elder Palmer. I am so glad Marc was safe! What a scare.